Sunday 12 May 2013

Circuit crazy

 Working with circuit boards proved to be challenging.

Closer shot.

Experimenting with the camera.

I like this shot for the way it makes the circuit board look like a city landscape, all the different parts look like buildings and the etchings like walk ways.

Using photoshop, and highlighting certain colours.

My enlarged circuit board on canvas.

Using wires, and bits of circuit board.

Inspiration - A. Jawlensky

Face masks made from mod roc, trying different media to see which works well.

Using an architectural spin on this sculpture, can be viewed from any angle and gives a different meaning each time.

Initially the front/face.

This sculpture is my best work, very difficult to construct but rewarding.

The inspiration behind this was a oil painting by A. Jawlensky.


Top view.

Oil painting by A. Jawlensky.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Body adornment

What better way for an aspiring artist to use her tools. Paint brushes are the way forward!

I believe in Recycling and Re-using , So hey, why not use bottle tops and bottles to create a head piece.

I could have used different colours for this, but decided on metallic and gold to give it a rich quality, almost luxurious which is funny considering they would have gone into the bin!

Trying to show it as it would be worn/modeled. - Front

- Back

And finally..

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Contemporary jewellery artist - Svatopluk Kasaly



For my first year project i was working with Arabic calligraphy and to put weight into my work as my tutor indicated i made pieces of jewellery and slowly made a bit of a collection.

Previous to the jewellery making i made the Arabic alphabet on copper plates with enamel. The stencil cut outs that were left were just about to be thrown away when i decided to use them.

I put them in some indian craft paper and made a small pouch that i put inside the copper plate, which i had formed into a shape ready to use as necklace. I'm happy with the result as it symbolizes the language of my religion and also is the connection point of the continuity of the calligraphy throughout my work.

Simple ring with wire wrapped around as the theme.

I see jewellery as bits and pieces, and this brooch is the perfect example, an old watch strap, broken chain bracelet and a safety pin - these were my ingredients!

To keep the theme of the wire i made this bracelet which i really like.

Friday 18 February 2011

Past work

Using clay I made a patterned hand as part of my college work, this was a project based around my religious festival where ‘henna’ is applied to your hands.

The Henry Moore inspired models are made from clay, I researched his style of work and tried using it in my work.
This other model i made which is also using the same style but I made this more of my own work by designing it with patterns you would find on Asian clothing.

This brush I made was with hair extensions, I did plan to have bristles for this also but as I made it, I liked the way it looked without. I find it interesting to have a hairbrush made from actual hair.

After being given a brief to make something from a white shirt, I didn’t have many ideas to begin with but after serious thought I decided to make a handbag. Although sewing is not my strongest point I tackled it in order to achieve the end product which I was pleased with, I also enjoyed the concept very much.

I am currently working on a project studying snakes and snake skeletons. I experimented with wire to have some understanding of the form of the skeleton. The twists in the body are very nature like, I think it works well.

The concept of the hairbrushes was to use materials with properties that you would not use for the real object. I used polystyrene for the large brush and cocktail sticks for the bristles, the finished brush looked almost like you could use it.
For me print making became interesting when i used materials to make the prints. I used different fabrics, thread and foil.
This was done in life-drawing where we did quick five minute drawings, each position individual. The over lapping of the lines work well.
This was also done as part of my life-drawing class, each lesson i could see improvement and this piece of work is one of my better drawings.
Following my work on snakes, i experimented with making things rather then drawings of the snake skeletons. Using space was the important factor for me.
This was another of the wire sculptures, i created the form as it was. I feel it explains itself.
Following the above, it is the same concept, but more creative and looking at it, it does not show what it is supposed to be, i like that.

Using string, wire and paper, i created another one of my ideas. The black paper compliments the materials well.
Again using space i experimented with paper strips, which are self explanatory with the twists and curls, very snake like.